Thursday 10 November 2005

O Culture Shock! Why do you mock me?

I want to write you today, but the ambition isn't in me to make it funny or interesting or grammatically correct. Forgive me. I feel so ugh today. I have to wear this huge heavy saree for assembly this morning and I just want to rip it off and tie knots in it and left myself down out of a window. Then go to the sea and get a raft and make a huge sail out of it and get the hell out of dodge. I always loved that saying, "get the hell out of dodge." If Bangladesh is a dodge, then I don't know what would be a ford! Maybe Barundi or Lesoto.
I went to this cultural evening last night at some German cultural arts place in Dhaka. It was free. There were three German documentary films being shown there for free (with subtitles) and there was nothing else to do. The first film was a documentary about documentaries, the second was a documentary about ROUNDABOUTS! AND the third was about some whiney painter that paints over others' paintings, but when someone else breaks into his gallery and paints over his painted over paintings, he calls the police and gets totally pissed. Anyway, they were all three wretchedly boring.
A friend told me last night about an article in some major magazine about how wonderful Portland is...and then BBC had an episode about how cool Portland, OR is on one of their travel shows a week or so ago. UGH!!! I wanna run to yoU! OOOO HOOO! But if I come to you, ooo hoo hooo hooo hooo hooo hoo hooo hooo Tell me, will you stay, or will!!!!!
So I'll end my email on that Whitney Houston riff and bid you a good day.
Good Day!

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