Monday 27 February 2006

A Few Questions of Image.

I received this email from my mother this morning. It reads:

"I don't know if it occurred to you or not when you invited all of your supporters past and current to go to your use some bad language on that site. Sometime you ought to read it again, picturing yourself to be grandma Hobby, or the Garners. I wonder what impression they have of Sandi the missionary now? Hmmm. And before you think that you are just modern and we are just old would you like your students to imitate you? Think their parents would be pleased? And what about the Lord? Do you think he approves of that? How can a well/fountain produce both good water and bad?And before you get upset with me, consider this. Yes, we all have bad sides and bad days, but we need to work toward perfection, toward being like Jesus as much as we can."

To those of you who have read this site and been offended by the language, please know that I sincerely apologize. I would like everyone who reads this blog (tho' few yee may be) to know that I am a follower of Christ, and that I would do my best to lead a sacrificial life for him. But I do believe that my mother raises a question, not so much about sin, but about image. Everytime I sit down to write in this blog, I think, how shall I portray myself? And the answer is always, "Well, as honestly as possible." Everyone sins. I know we all know that, but do we really realize it? I mean, do you REALLY expect me to be perfect? I'm so sorry, but I do not wish to be on that pedastool. Think of me as human. If I give you a realistic idea of how I really am, then perhaps you'll pray for me more effectively. Perhaps, you in turn will be more realistic or honest about your life, and will grow closer to your brothers in Christ. I do not wish to offend anyone, but I refuse to write fluffy newsletters about all my imaginary ministries I have, or conjure up devotionals from my life. Please don't expect me to be perfect. That's what Jesus is for. That's what Grace is for.

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